TAF 2010 PHOTOS!!!!

As a whole, tafLabs collected over TEN THOUSAND PHOTOS during this year’s TAF – holy moly! So we’re very excited and happy like Melody to finally share many more photos captured during TAF2010 with all of you!

Thankfully, we’ve whittled that number down to a nice and tidy 480 photos for now. You’ve seen about half of them before. Some of these pics are edited, some are not, many are touching, too few are embarrassing, but all of them are meant to preserve the memories of Loving Out Loud at TAF2010. So if you saw a picture of you and your friends that you liked in the Yearbook or Slideshow, you can right-click and save the photo! And better yet, the images are sized to a resolution of 1600, perfect for new desktop wallpapers! Our suggestion is to view them using the “View with PicLens” just above the start of these thumbnails and using your arrow keys to flip through this epic gallery. WOOSHA!

[nggallery id=1]

Keep checking back as we hope to add more photos, including small groups!

Photo Credits: Anna Wu, Steve Wang, Andrew Kuo, Tiffany Su, Justin Ku, Dave Chiou, Spencer Chen, Dan Lu, Howard Chen, Andrew Lo, Kevin Yau, Jon Lee

One Response to “TAF 2010 PHOTOS!!!!”

  1. Great photos! The pictures really captured the spirit of the TAF.
    Summer, fun and love by hanging out with people who has the same culture and background.
    The website link also has some of the TAF night shots, happy to share with all of you.


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